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Welcome to Don’

My name is Erik Woodward, and I started DBGE when I realized that my ‘good enough’ life was no longer good enough.  A summary of what facilitated this is captured in the About tab.  On paper, I had bought into the model the world had outlined, but still came out frustrated and depressed.  There is more out there, and you can find it. If you have found your way here, you have started on this journey.  I know that the resources on this site will help you, and let you know that you are not alone.


There are 3 main components to the site:

  1. Blog – This is a personal blog which captures my journey as I transitioned away from a career path at a major oil company to a more intentional, focused career.
    1. Chronological – Posts will cover the time prior to leaving the company, the transition, and steps taken in new job.
    2. Topical – Posts will be categorized by the following components,
      1.  Mental – One of the hardest issues I had with understanding my struggles and how I got to that point was
      2. Physical
      3. Spiritual
      4. Relationships
      5. Professional
      6. Personal Development
      7. Entrepreneurial
  2. Interviews: As I started talking about this project with others, many have talked about their own mid-career transitions or were actively going through one.  This will be an opportunity
  3.  Coaching: One of my passions is sharing with others things I have learned to prevent them from going through the same struggles, as well as short cutting some of the process.  This is an opportunity to setup a time to talk about